Ajurvedos ir jogos studijos Australijoje

Ar nori studijuoti Australijoje?

Sveikatos institutas Australazija - Gyvenimo Išminties Koledžas

Studijuokite Ajurvedą Australijoje
Tarptautiniu mastu
pripažintos kvalifikacijos

Health Institute Australasia (Sveikatos institutas Australazija) yra pirmaujantis Australijos jogos ir ajurvedos mokymo koledžas, įsikūręs saulėtoje Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.

Mes siūlome aukšto lygio jogos ir ajurvedos mokymus tiek Australijos vietiniams, tiek tarptautiniams studentams. Mūsų kursų trukmė skiriasi nuo trumpų įvadinių ar nuolatinio tobulėjimo kursų iki sertifikatų ir diplomų lygių. Studentų vizas iki 3 metų gali gauti tarptautiniai studentai, dalyvaujantys viename iš mūsų tinkamų kursų.

Švietimo institucijos gali registruotis ir teikti švietimo paslaugas Australijos studentams, turintiems studento vizą, tik tuo atveju, jei jos yra užregistruotos Sandraugos institucijų ir kursų registre užjūrio studentams (CRICOS).

Sveikatos institutas Australasia siūlo šiuos CRICOS registruotus kursus:

Health Institute Australasia CRICOS No. 03791F
  • Certificate IV in Yoga | CRICOS 10545G | 10885NAT | CERT IV | 52 weeks
  • Diploma of Yoga Teaching | CRICOS 105456F | 10886NAT | 104 weeks
  • Diploma of Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultation | CRICOS 0100555 | HLT52615 | 52 weeks
  • Advanced Diploma of Therapeutic Yoga Teaching | CRICOS 105457E | 10887NAT | 156 weeks
  • Advanced Diploma of Ayurveda | CRICOS 0100556 | HLT62615 | 104 weeks

How strong are your
English language skills?

Students need a minimum level of 6 IELTS English, or equivalent.

To find out more about studying at Health Institute Australasia as an international student, please explore our IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS SECTION. 



for international students



Submit your online enrolment application

For Government accredited, CRICOS approved courses, submit your application with payment of AUD$250 (non-refundable) and any required proof e.g. English certificate, via our online enrolment form.


We will send you a ‘Letter of Offer’

Once you have submitted your application with payment of AUD$250 and necessary documents, you will be issued a ‘Letter of Offer’ within 24-48 hours from the Health Institute Australasia that doubles as your booking confirmation.

You will need to check this thoroughly to ensure all details are correct, including your name as it will appear on your certificate. Please note that a ‘Letter of Offer’ is not a ‘COE’ (confirmation of enrolment) which is required for international student visas.

Along with your letter of offer (LOO), we will send your fee choices. Fees can be paid in two instalments. Or with a $5000 deposit, and the balance paid over 10 instalments. This option incurs a 10% admin fee.


Sign and return the ‘Letter of Offer’, pay deposit & health cover

Once you have read the Letter of Offer, please return the signed and dated document to the Health Institute Australasia. This document is required for the processing of your student visa.
You will be required to pay your initial course deposit and Overseas Health Cover with the Letter of Offer. If you’re using an education agent, they might prefer to arrange your medical insurance, however, your course deposit is essential to receive a COE (Confirmation of Enrolment).
This deposit is fully refundable if you do not get your visa.


We will send a ‘COE’

After you have returned the signed and dated ‘Letter of Offer’ along with your deposit and Overseas Health Cover, we will issue a COE (Confirmation of Enrolment). You will receive this by email.


Apply for a student visa

You can apply for a student visa after you receive your electronic Confirmation of Enrolment – ‘COE’.


We will send a reminder email

Approximately one week prior to the scheduled course commencement, you will receive further communication from the Health Institute Australasia. This will usually be to confirm course details such as a brief introduction, materials provided and items you need to bring along to class.

Health Institute Australasia

International Student Obligations

The principal purpose of the Health Institute Australasia is to provide education.

The Australian Government has fact sheet for international students which contains important information about their rights and responsibilities while studying in Australia. As a registered provider of services to overseas students, there are quite specific and legally binding requirements imposed on providers and students under the ESOS Act.

The Australian Government (Department of Home Affairs) enforces those pretty strongly, effectively forcing providers to be their ‘agent on the ground’ and report any actual or potential issues with student visa requirements as soon as they are aware (or could reasonably be expected to be aware) of the issue in a timely manner.

The main issues the Department of Home Affairs are interested in are: course attendance, working hours as well as visa/passport expiry.

As a registered provider we have a system to record attendance and trigger follow up events when absences reach defined levels. We also need to record all actions and correspondence to demonstrate to DIBP in retrospect that we did everything reasonable to manage the issue.

If you have a student visa, you must complete your course within the standard full-time completion period, unless certain circumstances apply which are generally those beyond the control of the student and which have an impact on the student’s course progress or well-being, such as:

  • serious illness or injury, where a medical certificate states that the student was unable to attend classes;
  • bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents;
  • major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring emergency travel and this has impacted on the student’s studies;
  • a traumatic experience which could include involvement in, or witnessing of a serious accident;
  • or witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime.

Australian Student Visa


If you do not uphold your Student Visa conditions, your visa may be cancelled, and you may have to leave Australia. The most important conditions are listed below:

  • You must remain enrolled in a course registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS)
  • You must make satisfactory course progress according to the Health Institute Australasia’s rules
  • You must advise the Health Institute Australasia of your Australian address within seven days of arriving in Australia, and within seven days of any change of address.
  • You must maintain enough money to pay for travel, tuition and living expenses for yourself, your spouse and your dependent children for the duration of your stay in Australia.
  • Any family members of school age (between 5 and 18 years) living in Australia must attend school in Australia.
  • You must maintain health insurance for you and your family members while in Australia.
  • You cannot undertake work until you have commenced your course in Australia. If you are a coursework student you cannot work more than 20 hours per week during semester/trimester teaching periods. If you are a research student you cannot work more than 20 hours per week except when on annual leave.
Failure to uphold the above-mentioned international student conditions may result in your enrolment being suspended or cancelled.

Compulsory Medical Insurance

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is compulsory for all overseas students while studying in Australia.
OSHC does not cover optometry, dental services or pre-existing conditions (i.e. prior to entry into Australia). Your OSHC insurance covers 85% of the Government scheduled fee for eligible medical expenses; in other words, you are required to pay the remaining 15% for eligible expenses. For non-eligible medical expenses such as optometry, dentistry or treatment of pre-existing conditions, you must pay 100% of the expenses.

The Health Institute Australasia uses Bupa HI as our provider for international student medical insurance. You will be given an option to request that we arrange medical insurance for you on your online enrolment form.

Australian Government
Quality Guarantee

As quoted in www.studyinaustralia.gov.au
In Australia, the quality of your education is guaranteed. In fact, the wellbeing of all international students, the quality of their educational experience, and the provision of up-to-date and accurate information is protected by law – under the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000. On top of this, a national Regulator – Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) – ensures the quality of our education to more than 1.2 million students – including some 230,000 international students involved in vocational education and training.

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