Health Institute Australasia Alumni

Meet some of our amazing alumni


Radiate brightly, and be the mirror that
reflects and amplifies the light in others

"When I reflect on our team, I can’t go past thinking how awesome each member is. We each use our unique gifts to accelerate our shared vision for the world. We celebrate our differences and our commonalities. Our culture is purpose led, impact driven and values aligned.

Shaping this culture has been deliberate and is ongoing. In the past, I have been willing to accept skilled people who were not a comfortable fit in our culture. But I have learnt from the heartache that doing so causes, and I am protective of the culture we have created. Our culture is our brand. It’s how we show up in the world. It's how we mentor our students.

Our guiding drive is for all of our students to have a fulfilling life. Giving others the meaning they crave today is our team’s passion, and supporting each other’s genius is a high priority. In every endeavour, there are specific people who make life easier. They value what we do and why and how we do it. They put in the effort that is needed, on time, and happily. They are a pleasure to work with. They stick, for good, and rave about us to anyone and everyone who will listen. Meaning and purpose are magnetic. When we resonate together, life, despite its ups and downs, seems effortless… and the miracles begin.

This is why it brings me so much joy to acknowledge our alumni who now, each in their own lives and circumstances, are being their best, most impactful selves and doing good in the world by helping others thrive.

It is my greatest wish for you to be connected with your own brilliance. Radiate brightly, and be the mirror that reflects and amplifies the light in others.

With my unlimited blessings."

Shanti Gowans


Past and present students tell how they feel about studying at HIA

  • "What a gift Shanti Yoga is to my mind and body! I feel so much calmer and clearer, grounded and free. Thank you to all the teachers here."
    Louise from Australia
  • "Shanti Yoga was a life-changer for me. I'm humbled by my ability to have manifested this time. Shanti yoga teachings and the community they offered me was so refreshing and useful in my personal growth."
    Gamman from India
  • "Shanti Yoga is just amazing. It feels like growing and growing and growing! The environment with all of the students and teachers is nourishing on any possible level life has to offer. The exchanges with all of us are deeply touching and allowing vulnerability. Here you may be with everything that's there without any judgements. I love our philosophical group discussions. They help shifting perspectives, mirroring, understanding, feeling and - simply - living."
    Felix from Germany
  • "Shanti yoga with Shantiji is just an increadible experience, and for me absolutely one of the greatest gifts that I could have ever gifted myself. A place where I have learned to connect with my deepest core. Being able to be vulnerable, Together sharing life experiences, And creating unforgetable memories. I am immensly grateful for this Yoga journey, a journey of a lifetime."
    Pleunie from Netherlands
  • "I have found a safe and beautiful place at Health Institute Australasia. These almost two years of studies have changed me for the better, I have learned and grown incredibly much. I feel so grateful to be here and have the experience of receiving all the teaching from Shantiji, an exceptional human being, and from all the beautiful staff that makes this an amazing place to meet delightful people."
    Francisca from Chile
  • "I never knew yoga could be so deep until I entered this school. I am learning important life lessons, not only in my qualifications and fitness, but also in my mindset and spirituality."
    Ruri from Japan
  • "I've been six months studying at Shanti Yoga and it has been a discovery journey for me. I feel just grateful because I found this place where I can be and know myself better while sharing with warm-hearted people. The learnings at Shanti Yoga are deep and profoundly awakening, I would say is the perfect place to study Yoga not only for the practice itself but for the holistic and spiritual perspective."
    Daniela from Colombia
  • "I’m so happy that I chose to study in Health Institute Australasia with Shanti. The year of study gave me so much, much more than I expected initially. The knowledge shared was really deep and helped me to find my inner peace and steps that are leading towards self-realisation."
    Agatha from Lithuania
  • "I have been studying Yoga at HIA since 2017. This Yoga school has become a sanctuary for me, where I can regularly practice this discipline that is close to my heart. In particular, what I liked is that they teach classical yoga derived from hatha yoga, Marrying the principles of the 8 limbs of yoga, from the Sutras of Patanjali. They are complete theoretical and practical courses, studied to give an enriching experience in the world of Yoga, so essential for a yoga training."
    Catherine from New Caledonia
"This is why it brings me so much joy to acknowledge our alumni who now, each in their own lives and circumstances, are being their best, most impactful selves and doing good in the world by helping others thrive."
- Shanti Gowans