Terms &

The Health Institute Australasia respects the right to privacy and fully complies with our obligations under the privacy act 2009 for all of our applicants.
Fee Policy
Fees quoted apply to the Academic Year nominated.
The Health Institute Australasia reserves the right to vary course fees at any time.
All fees are subject to change, generally per course or on an annual basis. Students must confirm current fees before enrolment or re-enrolment. Upon payment of the first installment of fees, fixed fees for the duration of that course will be applied for that student, as long as fees are paid in the agreed manner.
Current and revised fees will apply to all unpaid fees.
Students will be responsible for their own
(i) Equipment
(ii) Text-books
(iii) Professional Association Membership
(iv) Transport
(v) Accommodation
(vi) Meals
(vii) Health Cover and
(viii) Insurance.
If you pay your own fees, they are tax deductible, if the qualification relates to your employment. If your employer pays your fees they are tax deductable to your employer.
All fees are non-transferable. Any credit held for fees is for the use of that student only.
Any payment plan fees not paid by the due date, will attract a late fee of 10%.
Applicants must advise the Health Institute Australasia in writing of their intention to withdraw from a course.
Course Policy
The Health Institute Australasia reserves the right to cancel or postpone any courses prior to its scheduled commencement date.
If a course is cancelled, or postponed more than four weeks prior to its due commencement date, and if the student is unable or unwilling to enrol into a similar course conducted by the Health Institute Australasia, all fees will be refunded within two weeks of the default day, less enrolment fee of $250.
Refund Policy Administration
Refunds will only be considered where a valid receipt is provided, that has been issued by the Health Institute Australasia or an authorised Education Agent. Refunds will only be paid to the person who has entered into a contract with the Health Institute Australasia, unless the contracted person has requested, in a statement, signed at the time of entering into the contract, that payment of the refund be paid to a third party.
Refunds will be paid within four weeks of receipt of the written notification.
Bank charges/IMT fees, will be deducted from any refund made by electronic transfer.
No refund applies to any ‘Application for Enrolment’ fee once it has been paid.
Students who dispute the refund procedures will be provided with access to the Health Institute Australasia’s internal/external appeals procedure and be advised of their further rights under civil consumer protection laws.
Refund Policy – Before Commencement of a Course
Upon receipt of a written application for a course refund, the Student Liaison Officer shall:
Provide a total refund of the tuition fees that have been paid in advance where a course has been cancelled by The Health Institute Australasia. course placement is no longer available.
Provide a total refund of the tuition fees that have been paid in advance. – if a student has been denied a visa.
Note: If a visa application is denied by Immigration, the Application for Enrolment fee of $250 and any fees for materials or text books that have been provided, will not be refunded.
Provide an 85% refund of tuition fees paid in advance – where the enrolled student has provided more than 10 weeks written notice of their intention to withdraw from a course prior to commencement of the course. The partial refund will be less a 10% administration fee.
Provide a 75% refund of tuition fees paid in advance – where the enrolling student has provided written notice of their intention to withdraw from the course, less than 10 weeks but more than 4 weeks prior to the course’s commencement. The partial refund will be 75% of tuition fees. The partial refund will be less 10% administration fees.
If an education agent has been paid commission fees, 100% of the fees will be refunded to the Health Institute Australasia within 5 working days after the student has notified the Health Institute Australasia of their intention to withdraw from the course prior to commencement.
Will not provide a refund of tuition fees paid in advance, where the enrolling student has provided less than 4 weeks written notice of their intention to withdraw from the course, prior to the course’s commencement.
Refund Policy – After the commencement of a course
1. All fees are non-refundable.
Tuition fees are non-refundable after the start of a course. Commencement is defined as the day a student’s first set of course materials has been posted, delivered via Australia Post, or sent on line, or given in person. Where a student has paid fees for a course and has received course training material in part or in full, no refund applies. No refunds, or deferments of time, or payment, are given for failure to attend fixed schedule courses.
2. Payment of Fees in full
Any student opting to discontinue an enrolled course, for whatever reason, after the commencement of the course, will still be eligible and liable for 100% payment of fees, including all payment plan agreements. Where there is non payment of fees or noncompliance, the student will be required to be answerable to a collection agency nominated by the Health Institute Australasia.
3. Deferment of Course
Where a student has paid full fees for a course and wishes to cancel up to four (4) weeks prior to the commencement of the course, fees are non-refundable. However, applicants will be offered an opportunity to attend another course, or an equivalent course within the next twelve (12) months. After this period, fees are automatically forfeited. No refund or extension of time applies.
4. Late Commencement
There is no reduction of tuition fees for students who commence a course late. No refund or extension of time applies.
Short Courses
In the case of failure to attend short courses or intensives, no refund will be given, but credit towards deferment within a reasonable time will be offered. Non-completion of a course within the time allocated for that course will incur a deferment fee for the student to continue.
Airport Pick-up
100% of the airport pick-up fee will be refunded if notice of the cancellation is received more than 48 hours prior to the student’s arrival.
If notice of the cancellation is received less than 48 hours prior to the student’s scheduled arrival, the airport pickup fee will be charged, and no refund will be provided.
Change of Address
During the period of their enrolment, a student is obliged to inform the Health Institute Australasia in writing, or by email, of any changes to their address, as soon as they have changed their accommodation arrangements.
Complaints and Appeals
During the period of enrolment a student is entitled to access The Health Institute Australasia’s Complaints and Appeals process, should they be dissatisfied with the decisions regarding them made by the management of the Health Institute Australasia. The student should also be aware of this agreement. The availability of the complaints and appeals processes, does not remove the right of the student to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.
Students under 18 years of Age Where enrolment involves a student who is under the age of 18 years, the Health Institute Australasia will be required to provide additional information that relates to the accommodation, support and general welfare of the student where the Health Institute Australasia has accepted responsibility in these areas. Please note that it is a requirement of the Australian Government that children under 18 years of age attend school. All schools have fees which will vary from Government to private schools.
Information Sharing
Information is collected during the time of a student’s enrolment in order to meet its obligations under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS) and the National Code 2007, to ensure student compliance with the conditions of their visa and their obligations under Australian immigration laws generally.
The authority to collect this information is contained in the ESOS Act 2000, the Education Services for Overseas Students Regulations 2001, and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007.
Information collected about the student on this form and during their enrolment can be provided, in certain circumstances, to the Australian Government and designated authorities and, if relevant, to the Tuition Assurance Scheme and the ESOS Assurance Fund Manager.
In other instances, information collected during a student’s enrolment can be disclosed without their consent where authorised or required by law, and may include the circumstance of any suspected breach by the student, of a student visa condition.
The Health Institute Australasia respects the right to privacy and fully complies with our obligations under the privacy act 2009 for all of our applicants.
Fee Policy
Fees quoted apply to the Academic Year nominated.
The Health Institute Australasia reserves the right to vary course fees at any time.
All fees are subject to change, generally per course or on an annual basis. Students must confirm current fees before enrolment or re-enrolment. Upon payment of the first installment of fees, fixed fees for the duration of that course will be applied for that student, as long as fees are paid in the agreed manner.
Current and revised fees will apply to all unpaid fees.
Students will be responsible for their own
(i) Equipment
(ii) Text-books
(iii) Professional Association Membership
(iv) Transport
(v) Accommodation
(vi) Meals
(vii) Health Cover and
(viii) Insurance.
If you pay your own fees, they are tax deductible, if the qualification relates to your employment. If your employer pays your fees they are tax deductable to your employer.
All fees are non-transferable. Any credit held for fees is for the use of that student only.
Any payment plan fees not paid by the due date, will attract a late fee of 10%.
Applicants must advise the Health Institute Australasia in writing of their intention to withdraw from a course.
Course Policy
The Health Institute Australasia reserves the right to cancel or postpone any courses prior to its scheduled commencement date.
If a course is cancelled, or postponed more than four weeks prior to its due commencement date, and if the student is unable or unwilling to enrol into a similar course conducted by the Health Institute Australasia, all fees will be refunded within two weeks of the default day, less enrolment fee of $250.
Refund Policy Administration
Refunds will only be considered where a valid receipt is provided, that has been issued by the Health Institute Australasia or an authorised Education Agent. Refunds will only be paid to the person who has entered into a contract with the Health Institute Australasia, unless the contracted person has requested, in a statement, signed at the time of entering into the contract, that payment of the refund be paid to a third party.
Refunds will be paid within four weeks of receipt of the written notification.
Bank charges/IMT fees, will be deducted from any refund made by electronic transfer.
No refund applies to any ‘Application for Enrolment’ fee once it has been paid.
Students who dispute the refund procedures will be provided with access to the Health Institute Australasia’s internal/external appeals procedure and be advised of their further rights under civil consumer protection laws.
Refund Policy – Before Commencement of a Course
Upon receipt of a written application for a course refund, the Student Liaison Officer shall:
Provide a total refund of the tuition fees that have been paid in advance where a course has been cancelled by The Health Institute Australasia. course placement is no longer available.
Provide a total refund of the tuition fees that have been paid in advance. – if a student has been denied a visa.
Note: If a visa application is denied by Immigration, the Application for Enrolment fee of $250 and any fees for materials or text books that have been provided, will not be refunded.
Provide an 85% refund of tuition fees paid in advance – where the enrolled student has provided more than 10 weeks written notice of their intention to withdraw from a course prior to commencement of the course. The partial refund will be less a 10% administration fee.
Provide a 75% refund of tuition fees paid in advance – where the enrolling student has provided written notice of their intention to withdraw from the course, less than 10 weeks but more than 4 weeks prior to the course’s commencement. The partial refund will be 75% of tuition fees. The partial refund will be less 10% administration fees.
If an education agent has been paid commission fees, 100% of the fees will be refunded to the Health Institute Australasia within 5 working days after the student has notified the Health Institute Australasia of their intention to withdraw from the course prior to commencement.
Will not provide a refund of tuition fees paid in advance, where the enrolling student has provided less than 4 weeks written notice of their intention to withdraw from the course, prior to the course’s commencement.
Refund Policy – After the commencement of a course
1. All fees are non-refundable.
Tuition fees are non-refundable after the start of a course. Commencement is defined as the day a student’s first set of course materials has been posted, delivered via Australia Post, or sent on line, or given in person. Where a student has paid fees for a course and has received course training material in part or in full, no refund applies. No refunds, or deferments of time, or payment, are given for failure to attend fixed schedule courses.
2. Payment of Fees in full
Any student opting to discontinue an enrolled course, for whatever reason, after the commencement of the course, will still be eligible and liable for 100% payment of fees, including all payment plan agreements. Where there is non payment of fees or noncompliance, the student will be required to be answerable to a collection agency nominated by the Health Institute Australasia.
3. Deferment of Course
Where a student has paid full fees for a course and wishes to cancel up to four (4) weeks prior to the commencement of the course, fees are non-refundable. However, applicants will be offered an opportunity to attend another course, or an equivalent course within the next twelve (12) months. After this period, fees are automatically forfeited. No refund or extension of time applies.
4. Late Commencement
There is no reduction of tuition fees for students who commence a course late. No refund or extension of time applies.
Short Courses
In the case of failure to attend short courses or intensives, no refund will be given, but credit towards deferment within a reasonable time will be offered. Non-completion of a course within the time allocated for that course will incur a deferment fee for the student to continue.
Airport Pick-up
100% of the airport pick-up fee will be refunded if notice of the cancellation is received more than 48 hours prior to the student’s arrival.
If notice of the cancellation is received less than 48 hours prior to the student’s scheduled arrival, the airport pickup fee will be charged, and no refund will be provided.
Change of Address
During the period of their enrolment, a student is obliged to inform the Health Institute Australasia in writing, or by email, of any changes to their address, as soon as they have changed their accommodation arrangements.
Complaints and Appeals
During the period of enrolment a student is entitled to access The Health Institute Australasia’s Complaints and Appeals process, should they be dissatisfied with the decisions regarding them made by the management of the Health Institute Australasia. The student should also be aware of this agreement. The availability of the complaints and appeals processes, does not remove the right of the student to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.
Students under 18 years of Age Where enrolment involves a student who is under the age of 18 years, the Health Institute Australasia will be required to provide additional information that relates to the accommodation, support and general welfare of the student where the Health Institute Australasia has accepted responsibility in these areas. Please note that it is a requirement of the Australian Government that children under 18 years of age attend school. All schools have fees which will vary from Government to private schools.
Information Sharing
Information is collected during the time of a student’s enrolment in order to meet its obligations under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS) and the National Code 2007, to ensure student compliance with the conditions of their visa and their obligations under Australian immigration laws generally.
The authority to collect this information is contained in the ESOS Act 2000, the Education Services for Overseas Students Regulations 2001, and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007.
Information collected about the student on this form and during their enrolment can be provided, in certain circumstances, to the Australian Government and designated authorities and, if relevant, to the Tuition Assurance Scheme and the ESOS Assurance Fund Manager.
In other instances, information collected during a student’s enrolment can be disclosed without their consent where authorised or required by law, and may include the circumstance of any suspected breach by the student, of a student visa condition.