in Australia

As an international student, considering life and studies in Australia, it is important to understand how the Australian Qualifications Framework is structured, in order for you to make the right choices.

There are 10 levels in the Australian qualifications system, with level 1 being an introductory certificate, and level 10 being a Doctoral Degree. Health Institute Australasia is a Registered Training Organisation and offers nationally and internationally recognised certification for levels 4, 5 and 6.

Level 4: Certificate IV (6 months to 1 year), which precedes a Diploma
Level 5: Diploma (2 years including the Certificate IV)
Level 6: Advanced Diploma (3 years including prerequisites)

Certificate IV
A Certificate IV is required before you can proceed to earning a Diploma. A Certificate IV can take up to 12 months to complete. It does not qualify you to be a teacher or practitioner, but is a required preparation for a Diploma course.

Diploma and Advanced Diploma
You must have a Diploma before you are qualified to be a teacher or practitioner. For example, you must have a Diploma of Yoga Teaching before you can teach yoga, and you must have an Advanced Diploma of Ayurveda before you can be an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas take between two to three years to complete, and are generally considered to be equivalent to one to two years of study at degree level. Diploma and Advanced Diploma are titles given to more practical courses; they are the equivalent to an Associate degree which is given to more academic courses.
Health Institute Australasia (HIA) is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) offering Australian Government accredited Ayurveda and Yoga studies. Based on the beautiful Gold Coast of Queensland, Australia, Health Institute Australasia welcomes both Australian and overseas students.

We offer the highest yoga qualification obtainable, not only in Australia but in the world.