qualify as a yoga teacher
Diploma of
Yoga Teaching

About this course
Convert your calling into a vocation. Learn how to teach what you love to transform your life and the lives of others. Here you learn the art and skills to deliver a potent practice and transform your life and the lives of others towards health and happiness. Helped by detailed scripts, practicum, and feedback, you will be certified to teach through your 1200 Yoga Teaching and Life Skills Course, and will leave this training with the ability to teach a 55 minute Shanti Yoga stretch and tone Yoga class, as well as have the tools to work with students with a variety of different goals and abilities.
This is a two-year journey in life education and yoga teaching skills, that incorporates specifically focused modules which enhance and continue your yoga education to improve participant/client/patient/student care and self-healing. The training delivery is consistent and effective across all trainers who deliver your classes, with model session plans that link to government regulations and standards for your accredited course and its units of competency.
Learning to be a yoga teacher at this level includes the triad of teaching methodology, yoga practice, and philosophy. More than just knowing how to ‘perform’ an asana, the art of sequencing, and curating the practice to place an asana in relation to other poses to produce the desired result is necessary.
Here is how it works:
- The Yoga Mat and Meditation cushion are where the learner’s understanding begins in techniques, training, and practice including (but not limited to) asana, pranayama, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation, and other traditional yoga practices. Lectures, Tutorials, Discussion assist you in establishing a deeper level of understanding of yoga humanities, including its history, philosophy, lifestyle, ethics, and traditional texts towards teaching methodology and personal growth. Anatomy and Physiology cover both Western physical anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics, together with Vedic energy anatomy and physiology (chakras, nadis, kundalini, etc), and Ayurvedic health.
- Yoga Philosophy Learning about the primal forces, the fundamental pentads of the universe, its origin and history, yoga philosophy as an evolutionary science, yoga psychology and consciousness together with the mind-stuff (antahkaran), chitta and its patterns (vrittis) are the deeper part of your studies.
- Teaching Methodology is both technique teaching, method, application, contraindications, and benefits of Sookshma vyaayaam (basic and preparatory movements) to warm up the body and align it with the Cosmic dance to help you achieve a greater range of motion in your joints, prevent injuries during difficult yoga poses and develop body awareness.
- Professional Essentials, Practice, and Analysis are where you take what you have learnt in your lectures and put it into practice, so that you are practiced and prepared to help your students through the same process. These include teaching methodology (environment, sequencing, pace, verbal, visual and physical cueing, class management), professional development, principles of demonstration, communication skills, time management and prioritising, teaching yoga as a service, and being of service to others through yoga.
- The Application Phase during practicum tutorials is where you learn the craft of teaching, with skills assisted by the help of peers in your program and the teacher.
- Assessments make sure that you have sufficiently understood and assimilated everything from the curriculum lectures, your reading, study and research, practice, and analysis.
- Online Teacher’s Manuals for explanations of principles, methods, advantages, and correct demonstrations, observations, adaptations, and execution of postures are provided. Instructions are also given for outdoor teaching in nature.
The Diploma of Yoga Teacher Training course is designed to support people who are committed to evolving themselves and unity (yoga) culture, yearn to make their greatest contribution, and seek to develop themselves to embrace this calling.
In this course, you will be surrounded by pure love, strategies, and inspiration, from people who fill you up rather than drain you. You will learn how to take your relationships and your life to the next level, connect with your family at a deeper level, and be immersed in the work of Shanti Gowans, at the front lines of synthesised traditional and new healing technologies towards an evolving consciousness.
There are already hundreds of sources of negativity and bad news. Please support us by promoting a message of love and unity.
The greatest way to teach anything is by example… living and breathing it. So, let’s teach yoga by making a conscious effort to choose unity in our daily lives. Let’s love, love, love ourselves and each other.
10886NATCRICOS 105456F
On CampusMixed Delivery*
1,200 hours / 104 weeks / 2 yearsCOURSE PRE-REQUISITE
IELT score 5.5 is required for international studentsCOURSE COST
Diploma of Yoga TeachingCORE UNITS OF COMPETENCY
NAT10886001 Communicate and promote yogic conceptsNAT10886002 Communicate effectively with clients about Yoga and ayurvedic health
NAT10886003 Instruct Yoga asana
NAT10886004 Instruct Yoga breathing
NAT10886005 Instruct Yoga relaxation
NAT10886006 Instruct clients in the use of Yoga for effective concentration
NAT10886007 Conduct Yoga meditation sessions
NAT10886008 Lead individual and group Yoga chanting sessions
NAT10886009 Provide leadership as a Yoga instructor
HLTAAP002 Confirm physical health status
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
- Four intakes a year: January-Feb, April, July, and October.
- Fixed schedule. No refunds and no rain-checks for unused portions of the program.
- Your fees provide for the administration of the College, your academic activities, textbooks, Course Manuals, MP3/CDs, MP4/DVD, Contact journal, and other learning aids and student services and activities. There are no hidden extras.
- Payment plans are available upon application.
Online: start anytimeOn Campus: there are 4 intakes per year that align with QLD school terms
Tuesday 28th January
Tuesday 22nd April
Monday 14th July
Tuesday 7th October
Tuesday 27th January
Monday 20th April
Monday 13th July
Tuesday 6th October
Wednesday 27th January
Monday 12th April
Monday 12th July
Tuesday 5th October
2025 School holidays
Term 1: Saturday 5 April to Monday 21 April —17 days
Term 2: Saturday 28 June to Sunday 13 July —16 days
Term 3: Saturday 20 September to Monday 6 October —17 days
Term 4: Saturday 13 December to Monday 26 January 2026 —45 days
2026 School holidays
Term 1: Friday 3 April to Sunday 19 April —17 days
Term 2: Saturday 27 June to Sunday 12 July —16 days
Term 3: Saturday 19 September to Monday 5 October —17 days
Term 4: Saturday 12 December to Tuesday 26 January 2027 —46 days
2027 School holidays
Term 1: Friday 26 March to Sunday 11 April —17 days
Term 2: Saturday 26 June to Sunday 11 July —16 days
Term 3: Saturday 18 September to Monday 4 October —17 days
Term 4: Saturday 11 December to Sunday 23 January 2028 —44 days
Online: at your own paceOn Campus:Fixed schedule. TBC at the start of your term.
Full-time students must complete their lecture, tutorial and attendance within the allocated period. It is mandatory to sign off hours attended immediately after each and every attendance (class, tutorial, retreat, whatever) and student logbooks need to be kept current. They remain the property of the Institute in your file for assessment validation.
1.1 Ayurvedic Cooking
1.2 Ayurveda for Health and Wellbeing
1.3 Breathe for Health
1.4 Eight Limbs of Yoga
1.5 Inner Peace Handbook
1.6 Mindfulness, The Art of Conscious Living
1.7 Peace begins with You
Please note: You would have received some of your Textbooks and tutorials for Dip.Course, Year 1, in your first year of study.
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Self Mastery
2.3 Yoga Health and Ayurveda
2.4 Yoga Asana
2.5 Yoga Breathing, Pranayama
2.6 Yoga Relaxation, Nidra
2.7 Yoga Concentration, Dharana
2.8 Yoga Chanting, Mantra, Kirtan
2.9 Yoga Meditation, Dhyana
2.10 Yoga Leadership
For Level 2, the second year, tutorials are conducted on Tuesday mornings, from 7:30-10:30 am. Regardless of your level of experience, you are guaranteed to gain practical skills for transformation through attending lectures, practices, and discussions. They accrue 60 face-to-face course hours per year.
3 - PRACTICE CDs/MP3s (3)
3.1 Deep Relaxation and Self Healing - on 2 CDs/MP3.
3.1 Meditations to Calm the Mind and Discover Inner Peace - on 4 CDs/MP3
3.3 Origins, Yearning, Destiny CD/MP3
4.1 Shanti Yoga Wellbeing
5.1 Yoga Relationships - work with diverse people CHCDIV001
5.2 Confirm physical health status HLTAAP002
Children’s Yoga Teacher Training Course
6.1 The Divine Yoga Child: Empowering Youth
6.2 Peaceful Warrior
7.1 Darshan: What’s it all about?
40 x Philosophy and discussion led by Shantiji Mon 1-2 pm
7.2 The Yoga Sutras
7.3 The Bhagavad Gita
7.4 Body and Soul Community Singing/Choir/Magical Sound Workshops
7.5 Fun, educational and confidence building workshops (on-campus)
7.6 Spiritual Movie (on-campus)
Psycho-spiritual residential weekend retreats inclusive of shared accommodation, Ayurvedic vegetarian meals, programs, and yoga duties.
8.1 Believe in Yourself, Transform your Life
8.2 What is your Dharma? Meaning, Passion and Purpose, in the pursuit of Happiness
8.3 Emotional Wellbeing
8.4 Healthy Mind, Healthy Body: Ayurvedic cooking retreat
We practice silently in the morning, then we take walks, or rest, eat delicious food, and chat. We practice nidra in the afternoon, play Scrabble, do mindful art, read, garden, practice some slow, long stretches in the evening, and after a light supper and cleaning up, we spend the evening sitting under the stars or watching a spiritual movie, or just retire early to read, or go to bed.
Weekly College Attendance
9.1 Curated, Shanti Yoga Signature Series that are gentle and restorative Hatha Yoga practices
9.2 Yoga Nidra, deep yoga relaxation, and self-healing>on, Mindfulness, focus and concentration
9.4 Mindfulness and Pranayama: breathe and heal
9.5 Chanting, kirtan, sound, and vibrational therapy
Slow, mindful practice and much fun being with yoga people for extended periods on the yoga mat and time out on the meditation cushion. Please remember to get your Contact Diary which logs your face-to-face attendance signed by the instructor or admin every time you attend.
10.1 Induction and manual (received in Diploma of Yoga Teaching, Year 1)
10.2 Student ID Card (received in Diploma of Yoga Teaching, Year 1)
10.3 Induction lunch (received in Diploma of Yoga Teaching, Year 1)
10.4 Contact Diary
Furthermore, in the spirit of real Yoga, we encourage you to be generally helpful, committed, and involved in your own evolution and development of body, mind, and spirit through the practice of:
• Bhakti yoga - humility and devotion in your spiritual endeavours
• Jnana yoga - self wisdom, and also in relation to the management of ego, fear, anger, stress, desire
• Karma yoga - selfless action and service to all.